Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo

Departamento de Ortopedia e Traumatologia

Contact Information

Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo
Departamento de Ortopedia e Traumatologia
Rua doutor cesário mota júnior 112
01221-010 São Paulo
Name of department: Departamento de Ortopedia e Traumatologia
Head of department: Robert Meves
Surgeon in charge of fellows: Robert Meves
Head of department: Robert Meves
Scrub in
Is there an opportunity for the AO Fellows to scrub in? Yes
Is there any additional / special license required to scrub in? Yes, AO can provide better informations about the process in our country
More information
Number of beds in department:
Total surgical cases per year: 500
Used techniques
Standard open: Yes
Endoscopy: Yes
Robotics: Yes
Tuberculosis surgery: Yes
Pain management techniques: Yes
Minimally invasive surgery: Yes
Anterior surgery: Yes
Spinal navigation: Yes
Intradural surgery: No
Thoracoscopy: No
Dominant language spoken in the operating room: Portuguese
English written and spoken by our team members: written (4)* / spoken (4)*
* Level of proficiency, with 1 equaling basic and 5 equaling proficient.

research congress lectures

there are specific documents necessary to provide with our division called "COREME". Those documents can be specified by the AO Latin America Team.

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